Episcopal bishop on President Trump: ‘Everything he has said and done is to inflame violence’


“I am the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and was not given even a courtesy call, that they would be clearing [the area] with tear gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop,” Budde said.

She excoriated the president for standing in front of the church — its windows boarded up with plywood — holding up a Bible, which Budde said “declares that God is love.”

“Everything he has said and done is to inflame violence,” Budde of the president. “We need moral leadership, and he’s done everything to divide us.”

Episcopal bishop on President Trump: ‘Everything he has said and done is to inflame violence’

Rev. Mariann Budde says she is “outraged” that police cleared protesters from in front of St. John’s Church so president could visit.

Original Facebook Post

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