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About Party Affiliation
Enrolling in a political party or changing party affiliation
- If you are completing a new registration, complete LINE 9 of the voter registration card.
- If you do not wish to enroll in a political party, just check NO. You will be an “Unaffiliated” voter in CT.
- To change your party affiliation, complete another voter registration card and check the box marked “Party Enrollment Change” on line 1a.
- You may enroll in a party online if you have a DMV record on file.
- The 2 major parties are: Democratic and Republican
- There are several minor parties in CT.
- Voters changing from one party to another acquire party privileges 3 months after filing an application with the registrar.
- Only party members are eligible to vote in primaries and caucuses.
Unaffiliated Voters
- If you are an unaffiliated voter and would like to affiliate with a party, you have until 12 noon (in person) the day before a primary.
- An unaffiliated elector who enrolls in a party acquires party privileges immediately, provided they have been unaffiliated for the previous 3 months.
- Only party members are eligible to vote in primaries and caucuses.