
CT Special Elections Feb 26
Phonebank for Saud Anwar
February 20, Weston Town Hall, 4:30-7:30

As we all know, Democrats did well at the Midterms. However, Governor Lamont tapped 5 of representatives (3 from the Senate and 2 from the House) to join his team. While this is wonderful, it means that there are now 5 vacancies to be filled on FEBRUARY 26th during a Special Election that almost no one knows about. It is essential that these 5 districts stay blue if we want to ensure we can pass legislation that reflects our Democratic values.

Our mission is to help let Democrats and Unaffiliated voters in Senate District 3 know that there is an election coming up and that Saud Anwar is the Democratic candidate.


WHO IS DR. SAUD ANWAR: He is running for State Senate in District 3 to fill a seat vacated by Tim Larson, who left to take a position in the Lamont administration. Saud is currently the Mayor of South Windsor and is also a practicing physician.

You can read more about him by following the link below.

You will be calling Dems and Unaffiliated. We first and foremost need to make sure they know about the election and are planning to vote on Feb 26th. You’ll receive instructions at the event.

Hope you can join this important action! We do not want to lose any of the seats we gained this past fall!


You can also call from home this week. If you could find any time 15 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 23 minutes… whatever works for you, any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

The phone link will remain live for the rest of this week, so you can dial from home by using this link to register or log into Callfire:


Do not register by going to the Callfire website as we recently discovered that it will not allow you to access the call sheet for our candidate. If you have difficultly accessing the call sheet or questions about the Callfire application or the candidate, Saud Anwar, please contact the volunteer organizer, Sean Cain, at 860 682 2777 or secain94@gmail.com.

The best hours to call are 5-8 pm. The campaign has asked us not to call after 8 pm. You will need a computer or other digital device (e.g., iPad) and your phone. There is a very brief Callfire tutorial that we highly recommend. You can access it when you register through the link we provided above.

There will be a short questionnaire that you will fill out for each person who answers. If you go into voice mail, click the hang up button on the app (not your phone) and mark the person as not home. We are not leaving messages at this time.


Saud Anwar for State Senate

Original Facebook Post

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