
Our U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal will hold a Town Hall forum on the Supreme Court and the crisis at the southern border THIS Saturday:

🔹 DATE: Saturday, July 7
🔹 TIME: 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
🔹 LOCATION: Betsy Ross Arts Magnet School, 150 Kimberly Avenue, New Haven, CT

Senator Blumenthal has referred to the departure of Justice Anthony Kennedy as a “five-alarm fire, break the glass” moment with historic impact on people’s lives, including their healthcare, privacy protections, and basic civil rights. He has said a confirmation vote for the next nominee must take place after a new Congress is seated to give the American people a voice. He will also share stories of his trip to the southern border and the human impact of President Trump’s cruel and inhumane family separation policy.

Original Facebook Post

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