Chris Murphy: Why Democrats and Republicans are on different planets


Below are Senator Chris Murphy’s takeaways from yesterday’s failed vote on witnesses.

– Team Murphy

For today’s impeachment behind-the-scenes, something different:

I want to tell you my theory about why Democrats and Republicans are on different planets during this trial. I want to tell you why we could only get two Republican votes today against a rigged trial. This is important.

Democrats, like the majority of Americans, view Trump as a threat to democracy, and this trial put on evidence of the most serious example of this threat—his use of his official powers to destroy his political rivals and cheat in an election.

Many (most?) Republicans, as shown in Sen. Alexander’s statement, also think Trump is reckless and dangerous. But what you need to understand is that they think there exists a MUCH bigger threat to democracy than Trump — the deep state/media elite conspiracy.

For them, this trial is ALSO about evidence of the most serious threat to democracy — an anti-Trump whistleblower, working with secret Republican-hating Democratic civil servants, backed by the liberal media, attempting to take down a conservative, Republican president.

You see, many Republicans don’t think any self-respecting conservative would EVER work for the government or the mainstream media, so all these people testifying and breaking stories MUST be Democrats, and they must have political agendas.

Republicans don’t love Trump, but they do believe that if they don’t stand up to this deep state/media cabal RIGHT NOW, then they set a precedent that will allow this same conspiracy to take down every future Republican president.

This is a CRAZY view of the world (I’m just explaining, not excusing), but I think it’s important for everyone to see the prism through which many Republicans (not all) view impeachment.

For both Democratic and Republican senators, the trial is about threats to democracy. We just see different threats.


Original Facebook Post

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