Tax change in coronavirus package overwhelmingly benefits millionaires, congressional body finds

[ad_1] A $500 billion corporate slush fund wasn't enough for Senate Republicans. New reporting reveals they snuck a tax change into the $2 trillion coronavirus relief package that will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy. Over 80 percent of the benefits of the change will go to those who earn more than $1 million a year, while less than three percent will go to Americans who earn less than $100,000 a year.…


[ad_1] I hope you’ll join me and Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Andrew Mais tomorrow at 6:00 pm for a Facebook Live! [ad_2] Original Facebook Post


[ad_1] ‪The President’s assertion is in direct conflict with every principle of democracy. Every Republican Senator not named Romney owns this. ‬ ‪Vote. Them. All. Out.‬ [ad_2] Original Facebook Post


Endorsement of Joe Biden for President

[ad_1] “If there’s one thing we’ve learned as a country from moments of great crisis, it’s that the American spirit of looking out for one another can’t be restricted to our homes, or our workplaces, or our neighborhoods, or our houses of worship. It also has to be reflected in our national government. The kind of leadership that’s guided by knowledge and experience; honesty and humility; empathy and grace –…
