[ad_1] Act up! Wilton DTC May events – https://mailchi.mp/2726e40f89c8/may_2019_events [ad_2] Original Facebook Post


[ad_1] In early March, I testified alongside Bethel Public Schools superintendent Dr. Christine Carver against forced school regionalization. This is an issue I’ve focused on since January. I’m thrilled that mandated regionalization is not included in the current budget and look forward to continue working… [ad_2] Original Facebook Post


Tolls needed to keep Connecticut’s economy rolling

[ad_1] A spirited public debate is underway over whether Connecticut should re-institute highway tolls as a means of funding much-needed improvements to our aging transportation infrastructure. Good people on both sides of the issue are passionate about their position and rightfully so. That is how our democracy works best. There seems to be little disagreement that the state must upgrade our transportation system. The question is, how to pay for…


What’s new in the 2020 Census

[ad_1] "As the Census Bureau prepares for the 2020 count, here at USAFacts we've prepared a report looking at a history of the census and what's new this time around. The data collected by the Census Bureau does more than just count people. It helps determine representation in the House of Representatives as well as how to allocate government funds – and much more. "This is not benign information," Hermann…
