UPDATE! Stephanie Thomas Weekend of Action

UPDATE! Stephanie Thomas Weekend of Action

Governor Ned Lamont and Congressman Jim Himes will be joining Stephanie at Saturday’s Action event in Norwalk from 10am to 3pm. Governor Ned Lamont will be speaking in the morning and Congressman Jim Himes will be speaking at 2pm. Outside of those times people will be taking part in volunteer activities like phone calling and door knocking. Get all the info, RSVP and receive the address here: https://bit.ly/3mlrT4j https://mailchi.mp/2f23a103453b/oct23  


Former Republican Chair says, “Vote Democratic to Protect Our Schools”

LETTER [Sponsored]: Former Republican Chair says, “Vote Democratic to Protect Our Schools”

To the Editor: As a former chairman of the Wilton Republican Party, I have to say how offended I am by the tactics the Wilton Republicans are employing in this election. They are right out of the National Republicans’ playbook. Donald Trump and the National Republicans drove me out of the Republican Party in 2016. Wilton Republicans drove me into the Democratic Party in 2019.  After the Republican members of the Wilton Board…
