Early Voting

What is Early Voting?

Early Voting allows you to vote in-person safely and securely before Election Day. Early Voting is available to every eligible voter, and doesn’t require a specific reason. Early Voting may be done only in-person, not via mail or drop box.

When does Early Voting begin?

2025 dates will be posted when they are available. In 2024, Early Voting began on October 21st and continued through November 3rd. Voting hours were 10AM to 6PM, except on October 29th and 31st when voting hours were 8AM to 8PM.

Where is my Early Voting location?

In Wilton, Early Voting will be held at the Clune Center, Wilton High School.

What should I expect at the Early Voting location?

When you arrive at the Early Voting location, you will check in and be verified as an eligible voter. You will then receive your ballot with an envelope. You will complete your ballot at a privacy booth and seal it in the approved envelope. Before you leave you will place the sealed envelope in the secure receptacle as instructed by the election officials. Ballots will be secured unopened until Election Day.

When will Ballots be counted?

Ballots cast during Early Voting will be sealed and stored securely. They will be opened and counted on Election Day.

Can I vote on weekends?

Yes. Early Voting includes Saturdays and Sundays for the 2024 General Election.

How is it ensured that people don’t vote twice?

The election official at your Early Voting location will record that you’ve cast your ballot, preventing you from voting early at any other location, submitting an absentee ballot, or voting on Election Day.

May I register to vote during the Early Voting period?

You may register and vote on the same day during the Early Voting period. Register at the Town Hall during voting hours.

What hasn’t changed?

You can still vote via Absentee Ballot or on Election Day as usual. Elections in Connecticut are still safe and secure.

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